Today in Class:
- Due: Ch. 4.3 KT/AB3 (Stamp tomorrow)
- Cycles of Revolution group poster
- Join a group of 3-4
- Receive a location (Haiti, Mexico and Central America, or South America)
- Create a poster with information about the cycle of revolution for your area. Include a TITLE and SIX boxes of information. Have an IMAGE for each box.
- Poor gov’t: political, social, economic, racial problems
- Ideas spread (How? Who spread them?)
- Mass protests, riots, violent rebellion (The Spark)
- Gov’t relaxes control or strikes back (Which? Examples?)
- Revolutionary leaders gain power (Who? How do they gain power?)
- Old gov’t overthrown/ new gov’t established (Possible abuses of new power? What happened to old leader?)
- We will present posters in class and take notes tomorrow.
- Homework: Bring Ch. 4.3 KT/AB3 for a stamp, prepare poster for presentation tomorrow.
Happy Halloween!!!